'Any-color-on-Earth' pen pulled from Kickstarter, now Tilt
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    'Any-color-on-Earth' pen pulled from Kickstarter, now Tilt

    by sbriggman » Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:43 am

    After requests for more detailed information from two crowdfunding platforms, the creators behind the Scribble pen are seeking funding elsewhere.

    When the Scribble pen launched on Kickstarter in August, it promised to sample any color on Earth and then either print in that color or splash it around on the screen of a tablet (depending on the version). However, two days after the launch, based on some concerns among backers and potential backers, Kickstarter stepped in and asked the makers of Scribble to provide a more detailed video within 24 hours showing exactly how the pen was supposed to work.

    The Scribble pen got applause from the crowd, but it won't be getting its funds there.

    Scribble Instead of coming up with such a video, the Scribble creators simply took their campaign down from Kickstarter and moved it to Tilt, another crowdfunding platform. On Sunday, I received an email from Tilt explaining that it too has closed down the Scribble campaign because the creators again failed to provide sufficient details. Here's what Tilt said:

    "Upon the internal review, we requested additional information from the campaign organizers and provided a defined window of time for them to provide a new video of an actual, working prototype like seen in the video OR an in-person prototype of the pen. Since these conditions were not satisfied, we decided that the best course of action to protect our community -- both contributors and organizers -- was to discontinue the campaign and refund 100% of all payments over the next three days."

    Read more here: http://www.cnet.com/news/any-color-on-e ... -now-tilt/

    What do you think of the situation? Have you ever considered using Tilt (formerly crowdtilt)?

    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
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    Re: 'Any-color-on-Earth' pen pulled from Kickstarter, now Ti

    by crowdmapped » Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:04 pm

    Having other funding portal alternatives is good because it gives crowdfunders more options to launch a campaign on a platform that best suites their needs depending on what type of project they are raising money for. Kickstarter is a great platform that has helped many people achieve crowdfunding success but that doesn't mean it's the best choice for every single type of crowdfunding campaign.
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    Re: 'Any-color-on-Earth' pen pulled from Kickstarter, now Ti

    by kreefax » Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:12 pm

    I was really disappointed to hear that the Scribble pen may indeed be a fraud (and there seems to be quite a bit of evidence to suggest that).

    Though I hadn't backed them, I had signed up for email updates. One day I got an offer to be a Beta tester, and get a free Scribble pen as part of the deal. Hoping that maybe... maybe this was real after all, I started filling out the request form, then paused as I reached the part about the shipping charge. Though I knew there was a chance I would lose the $15 they were asking for if this was indeed a fraud, I figured I would risk it on the off chance that I might actually get this super-cool gadget for (practically) nothing! However, when I saw that the only payment option was credit card, I pulled the plug. Quite possibly losing $15 is one thing, giving potential fraudsters my credit card information is another thing altogether.

    Haven't heard anything from them since — it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
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