Why Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Campaigns Don’t Hit Their G
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    Why Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Campaigns Don’t Hit Their G

    by Cristina » Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:37 pm

    Why don’t Kickstarter campaigns hit their fundraising goal?

    Why do crowdfunding campaigns fail to raise funds?

    It’s frustrating, infuriating, and downright scary! You don’t wanna become one of those statistics and join other campaigns that fail to raise their goal.

    I’ve been studying this phenomena since 2012 and I’m happy to tell you that I’ve come up with a clear and definitive reason as to why this happens.

    You can rise above this trend that plagues so many other entrepreneurs. You can be one of the success stories that I showcase on my podcast.

    I answer this question in todays video and I also share a bit of my story with you. I get into how I’ve been working to address these problems in the industry.

    Read the article here: https://www.crowdcrux.com/why-kickstart ... heir-goal/

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