Why I’m Making You a GoFundMe Fundraising Plan
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    Why I’m Making You a GoFundMe Fundraising Plan

    by Cristina » Mon May 29, 2017 3:53 am

    When I first wrote the book, Crowdfunding Personal Expenses, I thought “okay, that’s it.”

    … that was my last piece of work when it came to the topic of charity fundraising.

    About a year later, I’ve made the decision to dive a bit deeper into this subject.

    The reason is simple… I know that you can raise more money if you implement these techniques.

    Plain and simple, most campaigns on GoFundMe, YouCaring, Generosity, and other websites don’t live up to their potential.

    It’s extremely disappointing.

    Read the article here: http://www.crowdcrux.com/im-making-gofu ... sing-plan/

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