When your KS loses steam
  • Chao33
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    Re: When your KS loses steam

    by Chao33 » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:38 pm

  • kckstrtrbckr
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    Re: When your KS loses steam

    by kckstrtrbckr » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:58 pm

    Done, I have been doing this a bunch and it seems to help.

    Kyle Koster
    Founder & Crafter
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  • Chao33
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    Re: When your KS loses steam

    by Chao33 » Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:15 pm

    Thank you Kyle! I've backed you with my account :)
  • mcannonJamstik
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    Re: When your KS loses steam

    by mcannonJamstik » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:14 am

    Hi Everyone.

    I agree, reaching out to other teams to do a cross-promotion can be a great way to keep your project moving. It works especially well when your products are complimentary with each other. For instance, I'm running the jamstik+ campaign right now, and we've shared other peoples projects in updates such as the uAMP - a mobile device amplifier for better sound quality. The jamstik+ is built to create sound with mobile devices, so it was a natural fit to co-mention each others projects.

    If you can plan for it, try to save something special for mid-campaign such as a bonus tier or a special announcement like an offering of your product in a special edition color. Or, you could reveal a side-feature that people didn't expect but might love and want to talk about. This isn't always easy as you want to have a ton of excitement as you begin the campaign and get that first few days boost, but if you get creative you might come up with something. For instance, when we started, we weren't 100% sure about our stretch goals, but then I came up with a plan of giving backers a custom engraved wood-onlay for their jamstik's since I have a friend who is in the woodcutting and lasering business. This could have easily been a premium tier, and I might have gotten a certain percentage of backers to upgrade their pledge, boosting the amount raised and keeping things exciting.

    Another strategy we've just incorporated is the final week giveaway sharing contest. Backers are naturally excited to receive their products ASAP, but usually it's not possible. If you happen to have a prototype or a beta model, it can be a fun thing to run a sharing contest for backers only to spread your campaign link for a chance to win one of the first products off the line. Here's our example of our sharing contest which is currently live: [url]bit.ly/kickstartergiveaway[/url]. So far it's generating some nice social shares which helps with popularity, and bringing in a few more pledges.

    Lastly, Content. Try and plan for some time during your campaign to create new videos, do a new photoshoot, or showcase your progress while the campaign is live. This helps make the campaign an immersive, entertaining experience for your backers, and each piece of content you create can potentially help bring more people into your community after you share on social networks etc.

    Hope this helps, I'll do my best to spend some time offering advice here, especially after my campaign wraps up next week!

    jamstik+ The SmartGuitar
    March 25 - May 6, 2015

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