What works well on Kickstarter for software products?
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    What works well on Kickstarter for software products?

    by Cristina » Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:23 pm

    Anddd it’s another “Ask Sal” podcast episode!! Since I don’t really do consulting, this section of the podcast gives me an opportunity to directly answer reader and listener questions.

    Tony Lialin asked:

    “Hi Sal. I have a software product. I’ll be on Kickstarter in 20 days and I’m curious if there are any tactics in particular for software that worked better on a Kickstarter vs a tangible product. I’m curious what your advice might be.”

    Tony is right. Software works VERY differently on Kickstarter in comparison to physical ecommerce products, but why? I’m going to explore a few expectations that he should have for his campaign, along with a killer resource that he absolutely must check out.

    Read the article here: http://www.crowdcrux.com/what-works-wel ... -products/

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