Tips from Indiegogo's Head of Hardware
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    Tips from Indiegogo's Head of Hardware

    by Artofthekickstart » Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:13 pm

    A couple weeks ago we had the opportunity to interview John Vaskis, Indiegogo's Head of Technology, Hardware and Design. We got his best tips and advice on all sorts of things, including how to set a funding goal, how to set up Indiegogo perks and what to do to ensure your project’s success.

    Check it out here:

    Key takeaways from this episode include:

    -What types of products raise the most money on Indiegogo
    -How creators should choose between fixed funding and flexible funding on Indiegogo
    -What a campaign creator should consider when setting their funding goal
    -What pre-campaign marketing strategies hardware campaign creators should be using
    -What information should be included on an Indiegogo campaign page
    -How to make a great Indiegogo campaign video
    -How Indiegogo campaign creators can use GIFs on their campaign page
    -Why high-quality images are an important part of a successful Indiegogo campaign
    -How many rewards a successful Indiegogo campaign typically has
    -How to use secret perks on Indiegogo
    -How to design your Indiegogo perks to entice potential backers
    -How to use Indiegogo’s referral system
    -How to use email marketing to make your crowdfunding campaign more successful
    -How important it is for crowdfunding creators to get press coverage
    -How to get your project featured in the Indiegogo newsletter
    -The metrics Indiegogo considers when ranking projects
    -What the top Indiegogo campaigns have in common
    -John’s best advice for Indiegogo project creators

    Hope you get some value from it - we definitely did! Enjoy! :D

    Art of the Kickstart

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