Are you wondering how to raise six figures on Kickstarter?
How about how to successfully launch a campaign from outside the United States?
With today’s podcast episode, I brought on the founder of Mova, Roland Harper. He shared exactly how he was able to rack up $168,000+ on Kickstarter in a matter of days.
He was also able to put together this project, assemble a team, and get the whole thing up and running from Colombia!
You have no excuse to not follow his steps towards creating a killer crowdfunding campaign. I see this as an inspirational entrepreneurial success story.
By the end of this podcast episode, you’ll see just how easy it is to take action towards your dreams (no matter where you live).
I hope that you enjoy this episode of the show. You can check out more episodes down below.
Read the article here: ... -mova-3-0/
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