The Secret to Raising $378,902 on Kickstarter For An Instrument Tuner
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    The Secret to Raising $378,902 on Kickstarter For An Instrument Tuner

    by Cristina » Mon Aug 17, 2020 6:34 am

    Kickstarter is a launch pad for a new business.

    You can use it to raise money for a creative project, for a fashion line, or even for a physical product.

    That’s exactly what the team behind Roadie did. They launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for the next-generation automatic instrument tuner!

    This Kickstarter raised $378,902 from more than 3,500 backers!

    They decided to come on the show to share with you exactly how they were able to do this.

    We broke down the fundamentals behind this massive crowdfunding success story, along with how you can replicate their efforts and get funding yourself.

    Read the article here: ... ent-tuner/

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