The Secret Behind a Staggering $510,720 Kickstarter Launch
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    The Secret Behind a Staggering $510,720 Kickstarter Launch

    by Cristina » Mon May 29, 2017 4:05 am

    Have you been wondering whether or not this whole Kickstarter thing is legit?

    Can you actually raise money from a crowd?

    The team behind this project first came on my podcast on episode #129, where they shared how they raised five MILLION dollars with six successful Kickstarter campaigns.

    Now, they’ve launched another and guess what… they just hit the $500,000 mark!

    In our candid interview, a member of the marketing team shares exactly what they did to get the word out, rake in backers, and smash their Kickstarter goal.

    Along with their marketing strategy, I also think you’re going to love the values behind their company and their super cool product.

    Read the article here: ... er-launch/

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