Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience
  • Vanessa
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by Vanessa » Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:17 am

    Targeting the right audience and building a network are effective. This blog post may be helpful. ... thout.html

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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by RFIDsecur » Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:33 pm

    good advice in that article.
    What I notice in a lot of posts (which is great for the companies involved) is the general thought that someone else will do this or that for you and everything will be ok. We all like the simple solution press button A and xyz gets done just splash the cash...

    There's always an element of that, and for sure if you have a big budget then you can hire the biggest and best people out there but that still won't guarantee success.

    At the end of the day whether you hire the biggest the best or the worst and get scammed, nothing beats rolling your sleeves up, digging in the dirt and getting stuck in learning, doing and helping. We learn by our mistakes more than we learn by our accomplishments, by understanding all the elements, you can decide what you can offload onto someone, simply because you are rubbish at that aspect but you'll know whether who you get to do that for you is likely to be any good, because you understand the role your asking them to do.

    Nothing beats your effort an input and this is what backers are looking for, the genuine article, the person that will no matter what deliver on their campaign not cut and run because it gets tough..

    Have faith in your self, heck you just came up with the hardest part the product or idea to fund, the easy bit is following the formula to make it a success..
  • halosmile
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by halosmile » Fri Oct 26, 2018 6:55 pm

    Good for you! We just launched our kickstarter for a safe teeth whitening product and also saw success with our email list. We got $6.5k our first day - pretty cool! Check out our kickstarter campaign if you'd like!

    BenEnke wrote:I'll re-iterate the email suggestion.

    I spent literally DAYS and countless man hours prepping for my first KS campaign, and thought I had everything just right. Out of the gates, even with some of the "tribe," as was mentioned earlier, we still stalled at just a couple hundred bucks after about half of a day. So I got on Word, typed out several email templates, based on the different demographics of people I was trying to reach (college friends, family, co-workers, colleagues, etc) and catered each email differently depending on the person.

    So for example, I knew my college friends were poor, so I asked them more to spread the word than to donate. My family, I made it about being a passion project, a dream as a filmmaker, etc. For co-workers/fellow filmmakers, it was about helping to create a local, independently produced film.

    I spent hours writing these out, compiling lists, and finally, at the end of Day 1, with still just a couple hundred bucks in the KS bank, I blasted them out, and went to bed.

    I woke up the next morning to see $1,500 of our $5,000 goal was raised.

    I can't speak enough for the incredible power of email.

    Remember people: FB posts and tweets can get easily lost in the shuffle, especially with how fast people scroll through Newsfeeds now. Emails are direct, and the perfect email pitch can make or break your Kickstarter.
  • arisecollective
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by arisecollective » Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:36 pm

    How I got funding for my project on the first day:

    You can check out my kickstarter here: ... n=9933ca2a

    Thinking about getting my kickstarter funded while I was still planning the campaign seemed near impossible when I saw the sheer volume of similar kickstarters out there - how could I appeal to the backers and stand out from the competition?

    I reached out to my network contacts
    During the planning of my eyewear campaign I reached out to an online eyewear retail company who I had worked with, so I could collect feedback and suggestions from over 200,000 customers to apply to my collection of eyewear. This is how I could be sure that my products appealed to the needs and interests of my backers.

    I also reached out to co-workers,bloggers, friends and family, to help spread the word about my campaign before the launch. This grew my list of email subscribers and followers/likes on my campaign’s social media pages!

    I set a reasonable goal
    When I started my kickstarter I decided on setting my pledge goal to be the minimum that I needed to raise. This made it more likely to be funded while appearing more successful in getting backers. No one wants to back something that is not even close to the goal, but people are more attracted in supporting something that was fully funded early on.
  • angelinajoseph
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by angelinajoseph » Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:15 pm

    #Tip_1 Numerous studies show that people (like your targeted investors) are favouring a short, quality videos over text.So, don’t forget to create a video explaining your campaign’s goal and its purpose.
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here

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    Know more about Kickstarter by reading Kickstarter blog:
  • mickmcart
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by mickmcart » Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:13 pm

    Don't set too high of a goal on your first couple of projects. I've also learned that you should watch the number of other projects running in your specific category. The less competition you have the better.
  • MeltingHearts
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by MeltingHearts » Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:48 pm

    Thank you for the tips!
  • safeshipdoormat
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by safeshipdoormat » Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:47 pm

    Good to know.
  • jannuk1
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by jannuk1 » Fri May 10, 2019 9:39 pm

    I'm wondering if you would be willing to share the copy of your email? I'd love to see what you wrote that was so compelling!
    jannuk1 ... -the-curvy

    BenEnke wrote:I'll re-iterate the email suggestion.

    I spent literally DAYS and countless man hours prepping for my first KS campaign, and thought I had everything just right. Out of the gates, even with some of the "tribe," as was mentioned earlier, we still stalled at just a couple hundred bucks after about half of a day. So I got on Word, typed out several email templates, based on the different demographics of people I was trying to reach (college friends, family, co-workers, colleagues, etc) and catered each email differently depending on the person.

    So for example, I knew my college friends were poor, so I asked them more to spread the word than to donate. My family, I made it about being a passion project, a dream as a filmmaker, etc. For co-workers/fellow filmmakers, it was about helping to create a local, independently produced film.

    I spent hours writing these out, compiling lists, and finally, at the end of Day 1, with still just a couple hundred bucks in the KS bank, I blasted them out, and went to bed.

    I woke up the next morning to see $1,500 of our $5,000 goal was raised.

    I can't speak enough for the incredible power of email.

    Remember people: FB posts and tweets can get easily lost in the shuffle, especially with how fast people scroll through Newsfeeds now. Emails are direct, and the perfect email pitch can make or break your Kickstarter.
  • caefer
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    Re: Share Your Best Crowdfunding Tip From Your Experience

    by caefer » Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:55 am

    guys these are all awesome tips! thank you!

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