Review of FundersClub
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    Review of FundersClub

    by Cristina » Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:33 pm

    FundersClub is an equity crowdfunding website that has helped more than 270 startups get funded to the tune of more than $100 million dollars.

    As an entrepreneur, you can use their “online VC” website to get funding for your startup company at the series A or seed stage. As an investor, you can participate in early funding rounds of fast-growing companies.

    Equity crowdfunding is emerging as a powerful way to get funding from the crowd by using the power of technology and the internet. In 2017 alone, it grew a lot!

    Since this is such a new industry, I want to help demystify some of the major sites, resources, and companies out there. You can learn more about it in my guide Equity Crowdfunding Explained.

    With this article, I want to go into the pros and cons of using FundersClub and who it’s best for. You’ll discover more information that will help you make a quick decision going forward.

    Read the article here:

    fundersclub-homepage-1-338x185.png (27.35 KiB) Viewed 7399 times

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