Must-Have Elements of a Crowdfunding Landing Page
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    Must-Have Elements of a Crowdfunding Landing Page

    by Artofthekickstart » Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:46 pm

    A good landing page is a critical piece of a successful crowdfunding project. This needs to be in place well before a campaign goes live so that you have plenty of time to collect leads. These leads are who you’ll reach out to as soon as your campaign goes live, in hopes of getting backers right away. Read on for tips for making sure your landing page has all the elements it needs!

    A Compelling Headline

    Successful landing pages have clear, compelling headlines that explain exactly what the product is or does. This headline is your “first impression,” so it should explain the exact benefit to the user in simple and straightforward language. It doesn’t have to explain all of the features of the product, as there is room for this elsewhere on the page, but it should quickly highlight your product’s primary features.

    Supporting Information

    In addition to the headline, your landing page should include enough supporting information to thoroughly explain the product. The specific type of information needed varies depending on the product, but consider highlighting the product’s features and/or benefits. Click the link to learn more about the landing page essentials! ... Essentials

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