Litho Hammocks’ Blueprint For Raising $40,166 on Kickstarter
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    Litho Hammocks’ Blueprint For Raising $40,166 on Kickstarter

    by Cristina » Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:29 am

    Wow! As you know, crowdfunding is a roller coaster of emotions. When, the Litho Hammocks team first started their Kickstarter project, they saw a trickle of pledges, but nothing like they were expecting.

    Their hopes were down, success seemed unattainable, and their prospects looked grim.

    But then, something happened and they really came back in a huge way.

    They rocketed past their funding goal in the last week of the campaign and went on to raise over 200% of their initial target.

    In our conversation, we talk about what exactly caused this enormous pledge growth and how they were able to turn around a failing campaign.

    Read the article here: ... ckstarter/

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