Kickstarter Live Lets Crowdfunders Connect With Backers On A
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    Kickstarter Live Lets Crowdfunders Connect With Backers On A

    by Cristina » Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:29 am

    In November of 2016, Kickstarter announced an exciting new feature that’s going to make it even easier for creators to interact with backers and involve them in the crowdfunding process. That feature is live video.

    Kickstarter isn’t the only platform that has embraced live video lately. Facebook Live launched in April 2016 and Twitter’s Periscope came out in March 2015.

    Kickstarter Live was developed in collaboration with Vancouver-based start-up, Huzza. This feature is a great way for creators to capture attention. It gives viewers a chance to actively participate in what’s going on by asking questions, sending in pictures, chatting with each other, or choosing rewards and backing the project while they watch. Creators can even choose to simultaneously stream their video on Facebook Live.

    Read the article here: ... new-level/

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