Hey there,
I just wrote this little post in the middle of our campaign. I thought it'd be a good idea, or at least interesting to update my friends and our follower as to what we've been up to, and what this whole crowdfunding process is like.
https://medium.com/startup-lesson-learned/how-to-run-a-kickstarter-campaign-12f2d79a991bYou know when you're at a pool party, and someone is near the pool telling you the water is fine, but you're skeptical as to whether it's warm enough to enter? I'm definitely having that, 'jump in the pool to discover it is freezing.' feeling right now. I'm in it. The campaign is live, and I'm in cold water. I just hope it warms up pretty soon, or heats up outside. Either result works for me.
Curious to hear thoughts from others who have been through this, or any ideas particularly in terms of finding new audiences.