It is notoriously difficult to fulfill your Kickstarter on time. According to CNN Business, 84% of Kickstarter projects shipped late in 2012. This is a staggeringly high percentage of Kickstarter campaigns that have fulfilled late, and it all leads us to one natural conclusion. Kickstarter creators do not understand supply chain management. Often, this leads them to naively make promises they cannot keep.
My name is Brandon Rollins. I write about board game development on my blog, Brandon the Game Dev. Today, I am writing on behalf of Fulfillrite, a company dedicated to helping you ship your products on time. Together, we have identified five bottlenecks that often slow down the Kickstarter fulfillment process. By helping you to understand common pitfalls, it is our hope that we can help you to fulfill your Kickstarter on time!
Need help fulfilling orders for your Kickstarter campaign? Fulfillrite can help. Request your quote today!
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