How Kiva Really Works in the USA
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    How Kiva Really Works in the USA

    by Cristina » Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:16 am

    Did you know that you can use Kiva to get funding for a business?

    Within 30 days, you can raise upwards of $10,000 for your small business or micro venture!

    In fact, more than 2.5 million people have used this crowdfunding platform to raise more than $1 billion.

    Now… here’s the cool part… each loan has 0% interest. Wow.

    This means that when you raise money on Kiva, you won’t have to pay back any interest for your loan. You just gotta pay back the principle.

    Historically, I think that most people have associated Kiva with micro-financing activities in developing countries.

    However, Kiva is also available for US-based business owners. Believe it or not, but over 90% of US borrowers reach their fundraising goal!

    Read the article here:

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