Fundrise vs RealtyShares
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    Fundrise vs RealtyShares

    by Cristina » Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:31 am

    Fundrise and RealtyShares are two of the major players in the real estate crowdfunding game.

    You can use each of these websites to invest in real estate online. I’ve written about both of them extensively on this blog and in my book, Real Estate Crowdfunding Explained.

    Despite being in the same industry, there are some massive differences between the two sites.

    I’m going to go through some of the similarities and differences between Fundrise and RealtyShares for investors and real estate developers. By the end of this article, you should have a better grasp of the real estate crowdfunding industry and how it works.

    Read the article here:

    fundrise-vs-realtyshares-338x185.jpg (17.41 KiB) Viewed 652 times

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