Free Campaign Feedback/help this Sat via Reality Crowd TV
  • realitycrowdtv
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    Free Campaign Feedback/help this Sat via Reality Crowd TV

    by realitycrowdtv » Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:30 pm

    Hello Kickstarters,

    My name is Manolis Sfinarolakis, the Founder & Creator of Reality Crowd TV. We are a Reality TV Show around the Crowdfunding Movement, and you guessed it, we will be launching our own Crowdfunding Campaign on kickstarter in February.

    I wanted to invite you all to join our Google Hangout that we will be hosting this Saturday 1/25/14 at 8 p.m. EST called, "Reality Crowd TV Crowdfunding Hangout". Please see the details below:

    Live Google Hangout: ... 7nbad78scg
    Live YouTube Streaming:

    We would love to have anyone who is either planning a campaign or is currently running a campaign join the hangout and tell us about your project. In return, the attendees will be able to provide feedback based on their own experiences and who knows, you just might get someone to donate to your campaign once they know what you are all about.

    Additionally, we are also having casting calls through social media: ... nts-/30083

    If you would like exposure for your planned or current Crowdfunding Campaign project, We recommend you submit a 1 - 2 minute pitch video that will potentially be used during our own Kickstarter video and depending when you plan to launch your campaign, you may be featured on the show. We plan to start filming in May 2014, but at a minimum, we will help promote your campaign through our own social media channels as our thank you for providing your pitch videos. Our Social channels can be found on

    Thank you for the opportunity to share with you all, and until next time: Dream It! Believe It! Achieve It!

    Kind Regards,

    Manolis Sfinarolakis

    Manolis Sfinarolakis
    Founder & Creator
    skype ID: mannymoments

    Nationwide Tour Schedule:

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