Equity Crowdfunding Statistics 2018
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    Equity Crowdfunding Statistics 2018

    by Cristina » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:54 am

    Equity crowdfunding has exploded onto the scene as a new way to get funding for a startup company.

    There’s been a lot of hype by platforms, industry experts, and entrepreneurs, claiming that this new financial industry will re-define how early-stage startup link up with investors

    There’s no doubt that equity crowdfunding is here to stay. Already, many companies have used the new laws outlined by the Jobs Act to raise millions of dollars from the crowd.

    With this article, I want to get down the get down to brass tacks and share with the current statistics for equity crowdfunding.

    We’ll discuss how much funding has been raised under the various types of crowdfunding and also the future implications.

    Read the article here: https://www.crowdcrux.com/equity-crowdf ... tatistics/

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