It's a day early, but I'm stoked, so am starting in on our Group Works based thoughts on running a successful Kickstarter Campaign. Each day we'll post one card, and begin some discussion around how that pattern is relevant to the work we're all engaged in.
As I write this I'm on the train up from Eugene after an exquisite week teaching Group Works with the core team, and am feeling inspired to change the format here a little. Rather than just collecting advice that any of you can find with a bit of research, I'm going to post a different Card each day, and a few reflections on the deeper ways that card relates. I'd welcome anyone chipping in, or adding resources they think are relevant, but I'll stick with the part about joyful and productive group dynamics, as that's my specialty.
Today: Emergence.
This is part of the end goal of the campaign, which is a good piece to keep in focus.
In short, you want the campaign to take on a life of its own. Any of the truly stellar successes out there broke out of the linear payoffs for the work their creators put into the campaign, and caught fire in the imagination of the backers.
For many of us, the trick is staying open to what emerges. We work our networks, we contact what seem to be the appropriate press, we have a sense of who our strong supporters will be, but it's easy to get stuck pushing harder into whatever approach we're taking instead of taking stock of where the best impact is happening and embracing the inherently collective nature of what we're doing. The goal is to enable self-organization of your supporters, and once you have a solid following of folks who are connecting with what you're doing use your energy to best effect to help sustain and inform the way they engage.
Any time we're dealing with complexity theory (which every campaign is), the two most important things are the starting conditions and the pattern set in place as they unfold.
An example: If your starting conditions are having a few people mildly interested in the project and your pattern moving forward is to spread awareness "shallow and far" about your work, what emerges is close to linear: a certain percentage of those who see your material decide to purchase. Media buys, google ads, and hawking your project in the street will produce proportional results to the energy you put in.
A linear campaign can be successful, but is exhausting, as all the work rests squarely on your shoulders.
If you get a bit of traction with the press and that coverage leads to more supporters and more coverage, that lets you get geometric expansion, which puts your energy to better use with better results.
But let's talk about the holy grail: Exponential growth.
If you start with a small group of dedicated supporters who get what your project is about and believe in your vision, and your pattern moving forward is to work with them to help others catch fire with the vision of your project, your pattern becomes exponential. Each new person committed to your project succeeding is another person working hard to make that happen. This is what everyone shoots for, this is why you need your tribe. You then have to support that group's organic growth, and give them the tools and structure they need to continue feeding the project, without trying to exert too much control.
So, my question to you is this:
What are the important factors in the initial conditions, and what is the pattern that you set to bring exponential growth to your support base? What are the ways you help that support base help you most effectively?
I'll leave off there as I don't know what the appetite is for these sort of musings in this environment, but if folks seem interested I'll continue. Next Card: Purpose.
(Incidentally, I'm happy to field any questions or talk about anything relating to each of these patterns underneath the main post about them. Today's learning so far (other than that links can be harder to paste properly with than I would've thought) around Emergence have been amazing as we do our pre-launch reach out to friends and family.