Can you get funding on Kickstarter to donate books, etc?
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    Can you get funding on Kickstarter to donate books, etc?

    by Cristina » Tue Jun 14, 2016 2:37 pm

    Yesss! It’s another “Ask Sal” episode, where you submit your questions and I answer them! Todays question was asked by Lisa from

    “I have a Kickstarter question. I recently published a coloring book and I then donated 50 copies to a hospital where one of my students is currently staying. I’d like to replicate this with other hospitals or charity organizations. Can I use Kickstarter for this?”

    I’m about to reveal whether or not you can use Kickstarter to raise money and donate books or other products. I’ll also talk a bit about nonprofit crowdfunding and how it differs from rewards-based crowdfunding.

    Read the article here: ... ate-books/

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