Back campaigns if you want backing
  • FBK
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    Back campaigns if you want backing

    by FBK » Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:48 pm


    If you want your crowdfunding campaign supported by backers that aren’t friends and family, then you’ve got to make friends in the crowdfunding world and back campaigns of people you don’t know – and just maybe they will return the favor.
    Today I backed Solardy Upgrade kit. I found this campaign interesting because it powers up small appliances like wall clocks. Now, I have seen solar type projects in the past for things like Christmas likes and cell phones etc, but nothing on a smaller level for appliances that we all still have and still put batteries in.

    Check out Solardy here and consider showing some love to a campaign creator today that you don’t know – go ahead and make their day!

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    Tom Beckett
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    Re: Back campaigns if you want backing

    by Tom Beckett » Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:34 pm

    I saw this recently ( ) which might be a more organized way of executing what you've mentioned. I agree with the need to support the community with the hopes they might support you, but there is somewhat of a disconnect between showing you've paid it forward in previous pledges. I think what frequently happens is someone decides they want to run a crowdfunding campaign, they choose the Kickstarter platform, then they hastily back some projects prior to launching their own campaign, all so that it says "First created, 7 Backed". You risk looking a bit less-than-genuine, but I would say that it is probably better than nothing ("First created, 0 Backed")

    - Tom

    P.S. Definitely going to look more into, although the rolling 5% tax via Kickstarter's cut is an intriguing idea.
  • FBK
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    Re: Back campaigns if you want backing

    by FBK » Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:20 pm

    Yes. I am familiar with the link you posted. I just re read, because somehow when I read it the first time (a long time ago), it didn't appear clear on how you put a badge on your campaign page, but I see that the creator will put a badge their for you???

    Indeed many create a campaign and then try to rack up the number of campaigns they back quickly (it's a start). Still, I agree a better approach is to spend some time on campaign sites and back whenever, and as often you can.
  • GregSilas
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    Re: Back campaigns if you want backing

    by GregSilas » Tue Feb 17, 2015 7:14 pm

    While I have never run a campaign, I have backed 148 so far and I have seen all kinds. The question is, does having not backed any campaigns potentially hurt your own campaign? Potentially.

    If the project is something that catches my eye, it doesn't matter so much..either I like it or not. But if it is in the grey zone, the maybe zone, it will influence somewhat because you look like a leech: just in it for yourself.

    I would suggest backing some just for the experience and karma, in as much as for the product...if you are doing so for the optics of being a good person. Greg
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    Tom Beckett
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    Re: Back campaigns if you want backing

    by Tom Beckett » Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:06 pm

    I think you've got the answer right there Greg. And 148 campaigns! You're one of those serial backers!
  • GregSilas
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    Re: Back campaigns if you want backing

    by GregSilas » Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:27 pm

    Tom Beckett wrote:I think you've got the answer right there Greg. And 148 campaigns! You're one of those serial backers!

    Thanks Tom. I'm just getting going on this forum, bear with me if I screw up protocols

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