7 Key Emotions That Make You Give Money to Charity
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    7 Key Emotions That Make You Give Money to Charity

    by Cristina » Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:16 am

    Ever wonder why you donate money to charity?

    What about getting someone out there to care about you, your nonprofit, and donate?

    You must first FEEL something before you give money to an online fundraising campaign. You then justify that decision with logic.

    All too often, nonprofits will rattle off statistics or boring bits of information that don’t serve to get someone excited and bought-in to their vision. They then wonder why no one is giving money!

    I’m going to run through several key emotions that cause people to give money online.

    If you’d like to learn about other hacks, techniques, and psychological tricks to get people to give, then you’re gonna wanna check out my upcoming book going through all the Nonprofit Psychological Fundraising Hacks.

    Read the article here: https://www.crowdcrux.com/key-emotions- ... o-charity/

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