Wanna raise money for a book on Kickstarter?
We’ve seen so many different successful crowdfunding campaigns in the publishing category. Authors that end up raising five and six figures online. Wild!
I’ve had several of these authors on my show, like Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, and you can hear directly from them that what they’re doing isn’t all special.
Anyone out there can raise money for a book on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or another crowdfunding website. You just gotta have the right fundraising strategy and you gotta hustle.
With this article, I want to get into some of the tips that I have for any author out there looking to raise money for a publishing project. This will help speed up the process and keep you away from major pitfalls.
Read the article here:
https://www.crowdcrux.com/outips-for-ki ... wdfunding/
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