5 Common Elements of Unsuccessful Crowdfunding Campaigns
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    5 Common Elements of Unsuccessful Crowdfunding Campaigns

    by Artofthekickstart » Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:08 pm

    Unsuccessful crowdfunding projects tend to have a handful of similarities. Recognizing these common denominators makes it a bit easier to predict a Kickstarter or Indiegogo project’s success before it even kicks off, giving you time to fix any issues and hopefully have a successful project overall. We’ve analyzed common elements of unsuccessful projects in hopes of helping you become one of the campaigns that finds success in the crowdfunding space.

    No working prototype. Having a working prototype is critical to your project’s success for many reasons. For one thing, Kickstarter won’t allow you to run a project on their platform without a working prototype. Additionally, it also tends to be much more difficult to get backers without a working prototype. Think of it like this: people are much more likely to support a proven product than just an idea. A working prototype provides proof to backers that they will receive the final product.

    Bad rewards. Most crowdfunding backers are rewards-driven, so it’s important to have rewards that will motivate them to act. What makes a reward motivating? For one thing, rewards should be tangible, and ideally they should be your product or something else related to your business. Additionally, rewards should be reasonably-priced. Rewards that cost thousands of dollars can do well on Kickstarter, but they must be worth thousands of dollars. If your margins allow it, try to price your rewards and perks lower than the future retail price! Click the link to learn more common elements of unsuccessful crowdfunding campaigns!
    http://artofthekickstart.com/5-common-e ... 20Elements

    Art of the Kickstart

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