What gets people to back you? Video vs. Pics+Text
  • William_84
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    What gets people to back you? Video vs. Pics+Text

    by William_84 » Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:46 pm

    Hey everyone,

    I am trying to figure out when people first decide to fund a project, and how they consequently review the campaign materials.

    Deos people just watch the video and then quickly go through the text & pictures, just scrutinizing the picture of the product (version) they are choosing and skim through the text (looking for red flags)?

    I myself, from speaking with people and reviewing the campaign comments, think that people watch the video, and after 20 seconds or so decide to back it, and then check out the models (versions), not reading much of the text.

    I understand that there is a difference between backers (if you back many projects) or if this is the first time on KS, or if you are a fan/afficionado of the product or just think it is a cool product.

    A campaign that is big is surely capturing both.

    Very intrigued to get the discussion going and get your views.

    Thank you.

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    Re: What gets people to back you? Video vs. Pics+Text

    by luisonoff » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:54 am

    Hello, what I usually do in every campaign:
    1- Take a fast look at the whole page looking at pictures while scrolling fast
    2- How much is it and when is the ship date?
    3- Read some paragraphs in more detail
    4- Only when I am quite interested I do watch the video for a real consideration of backing.
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    Re: What gets people to back you? Video vs. Pics+Text

    by sbriggman » Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:54 am

    Yo yo! Thanks for the question William.

    My thoughts in a nutshell:

    1. People buy on emotions and justify those purchases with logic

    2. The story behind the product/team creates empathy, trust, feelings around the product, and expected feelings when someone "owns" the product.

    3. There are different types of buyers. Some buyers are more emotional than others. Some more more rational. Some will love your story. Other will get sucked into how they can use the product. The sales page is there to appeal to all types. Some might just watch the vid. Others will look more into the product photos and text.

    4. The copywriting and communication that you do PRIOR to them viewing the page also impacts this. If someone is coming from your email list, maybe they already have an idea of the story or problem, so they're just watching the vid to see the finished product. If it's cold traffic, they might be experiencing your product for the first time. If it's PR traffic, they might be impressed with a certain aspect.

    What I usually do when I'm looking into a campaign:

    1. Look at funding progress and time left.

    2. Look at the images to see what the product is.

    3. Read a paragraph or two of the story or founder.

    4. Take the time to watch the video.

    I'm weird tho :-p. I also am looking for different things because I'm also thinking how I can use the campaign or if I can bring them on the podcast: http://www.crowdcrux.com/itunes

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    Re: What gets people to back you? Video vs. Pics+Text

    by Cristina » Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:00 am

    This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.
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