Hey guys,
I recently launched a Kickstarter Campaign for an ethically produced hand painted scarf line. Now, I am aware that there has been a couple of successful ethical fashion campaigns, but mine is a bit different in a sense that it is an accessories campaign with only scarves. During my pre-launch period, I reached out to a couple of bloggers and magazines and got featured on about 6 of them till now. I also have over 1K followers on Instagram and 2K on Facebook. My campaign went live last Wednesday and within the first week I reached 50% of my funding goal and also got the project we love badge from Kickstarter. BUT right after hitting the 50% mark, all the backers seemed to just stop coming in. I don't know what's going on and what to do. I have signed up with BackerClub, Kickbooster, Facebook Ads, and many others and nothing seems to be working. is it my campaign, it is not good enough? I just added a couple more designs as well but nothing! Can you give me some feedback and maybe steer me to the right direction? What else can I do get more people to back my project. I genuinely need honest feedback. Looking forward to reading all your posts!
Thank you,