We Were Monsters And Detectives
  • AlBenoit
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    We Were Monsters And Detectives

    by AlBenoit » Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:18 pm

    It's hard to be an artist, to chase your dreams in a world obsessed with security and assurance. When you tell people what you want to do with your life you get a look- mostly the "are you fucking crazy?! what on earth do you think you are going to do with that" look. I don't know if you ever truly get used to it. But for every person that things we are crazy, there is that support system. The people that are willing to support the dreams of young individuals (crazy or not). Perhaps artists themselves, maybe just those with a love of art, or the love of family and friends- whomever you may be, you provide us with the option to continue to follow our dreams, to give us the confidence to continue on in a life of (restless nights, chomped off nails, sometimes stale food) boundless passion.

    To most people, movies are a form of entertainment. A way to escape from the daily struggles and woes of life. To us, movies are life. They are a way to express ourselves. To tell a story that has deep meaning within our hearts. From the very beginning of the process we grow and develop a story as well as ourselves.

    We Were Monsters and Detectives is a short film. A short film that deals with two young girls and the pressures of growing up, and that sometimes growing up means not growing together. They tell you that your true friends are the ones that stick around, but they never tell you how painful it is that sometimes you need to let go.
    I am not asking you for help, I am asking you to be a part of this film. There are two ways to be a part of the film. The first is by donating. It takes a lot to make a film, and money is a big factor. We are asking for $10,000. Yes, I know, that is a lot of money. The money is used for equipment such as cameras and lenses, costumes and props, and rather uniquely to the film the services of an animal trainer. We are using Kickstarter as a platform, and with every donation there is an incentive. (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/353 ... detectives)

    If financially it is not an option to donate, there is a second option. It is as simple as sharing and spreading the word. We are trying to reach out to as many people as we can in order to reach our goal. With your help sharing gives us the option to reach new eyes, ears, hearts, and hopefully wallets. Please be a part of We Were Monsters and Detectives, and support the artists and storytellers who eat, sleep, and breathe this film.

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