Thanks a ton Mike! Just make sure to approve my follow request on Twitter so I can actually retweet for ya, haha. I have successfully survived the process of subscribing to your YouTube channel, and I also checked out the updated Kickstarter page. It's great to have a little sneak peak into your head! I would definitely recommend making some YouTube videos just on the process of it, maybe have your artist get in on it. With an increase in scams on Kickstarter (specifically in the technology section), it's important for backers to feel like they can trust the creators. And how can they do that? By getting to know you as well as your family! It sure is tough being a newbie though; if you happen to know any others new at Kickstarter, lemme know so we can support each other. I'm really trying to build up a group of people that, because we're using Kickstarter (which oftentimes means we, unfortunately, don't have the money to even do minimum amount backings) can really promote each other to greatness, stardom, success, etc. etc. Since I'm 17 I can have the advantage of just searching "teen writer blogs" to help me out on my quest, but I'm trying to get everyone to help out everyone. It's not easy but it's a worthy goal! Anyway, if you would like to collaborate directly, my work email is You can contact me any time and perhaps we can work together further to achieve brilliant success!