Should I re-do campaign on Kickstarter or move to Indiegogo?
  • karatewolfpunk
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    Should I re-do campaign on Kickstarter or move to Indiegogo?

    by karatewolfpunk » Sun Nov 19, 2017 10:22 pm

    I launched a crowdfunding campaign for a book I was hoping to write earlier this year (February/March), and after it failed, I knew I had to backtrack and analyze everything I did and didn't do.

    Now, I am hiring a publicist so that we bounce ideas off of each other and find a best plan of action to launch again next year. I asked him what he thought about trying again on Kickstarter or moving to Indiegogo or another site. He doesn't have a huge preference, but thinks it would be more beneficial to go to Indiegogo.

    These are the reasons why I felt I should give Kickstarter another chance:

    1) I already have followers on there. Not many, but I was looking around on Indiegogo, and it doesn't seem like they have a following option. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    2) I think it would look better if I reach the goal, even if the goal is lower than what my first campaign's was. (Depending on how many emails I secure, the amount is going to be one that I know the campaign can reach.)

    He thinks that lowering the campaign goal would look bad, which is why he sides more with switching to Indiegogo.

    Any thoughts? Especially from people who have re-launched failed campaigns.

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    Re: Should I re-do campaign on Kickstarter or move to Indieg

    by hyperstarter » Sun Nov 26, 2017 8:16 pm

    What's the niche of your campaign, how many emails have you collected, who have you written to already, what do people think about your product (people who don't know you) etc.,

    Hope these questions help in your next (re)launch.
    Promote your campaign today with Hyperstarter & use our free tool to identify Kickstarter page problems & fixes:
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    Re: Should I re-do campaign on Kickstarter or move to Indieg

    by DaveGarber1975 » Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:56 pm

    My employer Funded Today ( has worked with dozens of campaigns that have transitioned from one to the other without making significant changes in page-design or whatnot. In every case so far, those campaigns have always done better (partly by attracking both visitors and pledges more easily) on Kickstarter than on Indiegogo.

    Indiegogo normally treats its creators wonderfully well, and seems to consistently favor their interests over the interests of their backers---but it's not as popular with backers because its looser standards and flexible funding and such render it more susceptible to fraud, and for other reasons.

    Kickstarter, by contrast, seems to consistently favor the interests of backers over those of creators---it demands higher standards from creators, and may even treat creators "like dirt," but it definitely helps get their projects funded better. Backers love it more, trust it more, frequent it more, and are more likely to give their money to campaigns that run on it. So, it's worth your effort to run your campaign there if at all possible.

    If your campaign does well on Kickstarter, then you can always transition afterward to Indiegogo InDemand to collect additional pledges while awaiting fulfillment, as we've helped many of our clients do. And, as I said before, Indiegogo staff will treat you VERY well in general.

    Choosing the right platform is only one of many key factors in your campaign's success (or failure). You can learn more about some additional key factors here, if you like... ... ng-success ... BWDv8zeoyC

    I hope that this information helps you some as you consider your options. Please ask if you have further questions. If I can help further, then I'd be happy to do so.
    I work for Funded Today, which has helped hundreds of crowdfunding projects on Kickstarter and/or Indiegogo to raise over $175,000,000 altogether. How may we help you? Please learn more at and/or
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    Re: Should I re-do campaign on Kickstarter or move to Indieg

    by littleguy101 » Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:21 am

    I've relaunched about 3 failed campaigns, and my advice is to switch over to indiegogo. Much less competition and you seem to get a tad bit more views on that platform vs kickstarter.

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