Seeking Category & Sub-category advice for eLearning project
  • vocalnebula
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    Seeking Category & Sub-category advice for eLearning project

    by vocalnebula » Tue May 19, 2015 2:23 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I'm setting up my first-ever KS campaign to fund the creation of an innovative Vocal Training course to be provided online via an eLearning site and community. Students will be singers, actors, voice actors, speakers/podcasters who want to develop their voice to it's maximum potential.

    I'm not sure what category to put it in. It seems that "music" is for song and album projects. And though I'll be creating dozens if not more than 100 instructional videos, it's not really a "film and video" project when compared to the projects in that category. I'm "designing" the course, but it's really not a "design" project compared to the others.

    It is a type of "publishing" project, but then it loses it's connection to singers, who are likely the primary audience. The publishing sub-categories seem to all be related to books, and I'm not creating a book. "Technology-Web" is close, but loses the intention and that category has such a low funding rate.

    Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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    Re: Seeking Category & Sub-category advice for eLearning pro

    by PolyPlans » Mon May 25, 2015 12:58 pm

    As you say, your project would fit into a number of different categories.
    Some sections on Kickstarter do better than others, it seems to me.
    My product would fit in Art, Crafts or Design - I'll be looking at how each section is doing and how the funding is made up - eg. lots of small donors, a few large etc and see what will be the best profile for the scale of donations I'm looking for.
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    Re: Seeking Category & Sub-category advice for eLearning pro

    by vocalnebula » Mon May 25, 2015 1:12 pm

    I searched through past projects that had some kind of eLearning or Vocal Training quality and they we put into a number of different categories with no clear pattern. Some of them funded, most of them didn't. I'll probably go with "Music" and no sub-category because it's a very active category with a good funding rate and it's the closest thing to vocal training for singers.

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