Not sure where to start or go?! What platform?
  • TrVlogs
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    Not sure where to start or go?! What platform?

    by TrVlogs » Mon Jan 13, 2020 9:59 pm

    Hello, everyone how are you?!

    We currently looking for Kickstarter or Indiegogo based advertising & copyrighting companies to help us with our brand. In addition, help us with our crowdfunding as well. As of right now, we have a gofundme up & running. But we do have Kickstarter and Indiegogo on a draft at the moment. However, we tried to use Kickstarter and this is what was said

    "Projects focused on raising funds for general business expenses are not allowed on Kickstarter. However, if a project is focused on a specific, creative endeavor that offers a finite experience, product or thing that can be shared with others, then the business expenses may be baked into the project’s overall financial goals."

    We have yet to try Indiegogo. We have a list of what we are raising money for. We are just not sure what platform we should use. That is one of our biggest issues. We have tried to work with other companies but they were trying to change our narrative/direction and we are not doing that by any means. Lastly, we also don't know why people can't seem to understand what we are trying to do. The people who are in the community we are raising funds for seem to understand. However, people outside the community don't we are having issues translating that to people not in the community.

    In addition, there is a link to the preview below we are still working on the rewards aspect of it due to we have yet to find a find a full-service fulfillment center. Also, a another issue is our low budget at $3,000. ... ject_build

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    Re: Not sure where to start or go?! What platform?

    by TrVlogs » Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:18 pm

    Car is life! Stay Humble Stay Driven & never forget where you came from. ... 9oUbniFUaA
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    Re: Not sure where to start or go?! What platform?

    by SystHub » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:54 am

    There are some difference (as you probably know) but choosing Kickstarter or Indiegogo will not make a big difference if you have a very good audience.

    Remeber that all corwdfunding platforms bring you about 10% (25% if you are lucky) of backers - all the rest is up to you..
    This means that you should not spending time on decide which platform is the best for you as this will not change your final result
    Never start a crowdfunding without having a good audience and don’t spend money with those who promise to get results in 10 days - this never ever works.
    Crowdfunding has to be planned at least 6 month before, 12 if you have not a good community right now…
    S Y S T H U B
    we help crowdfundings for free
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    Re: Not sure where to start or go?! What platform?

    by nomlinz » Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:28 am

    As a creator, once you decide that you’ll be crowdfunding, here are some key differences you should consider before deciding between Kickstarter or Indiegogo.

    1. Product type focus
    Question for you: what type of product are you launching?

    Indiegogo focuses primarily on electronic products and smart hardware, at least more so than Kickstarter. That’s been their main positioning and it’s not slowing down. It’s become a one-stop shop for anyone who wants to build and deliver a product.

    On the other hand, Kickstarter is a global crowdfunding platform focused on creativity and merchandising. They’ve always stayed true to its roots in serving those in publishing, film, design, music, craft and games.

    2. Tracking

    Kickstarter does not allow tracking pixels on their campaign pages.

    Of course, there are ways around this by using subdomains and Google Analytics. But this is not as simple or clear-cut as using a tracking pixel and tracking pre-orders directly from the advertising platform. On the other hand, Indiegogo allows you to use tracking pixels and see on the advertising platform which ads are driving pre-orders.

    3. Rewards/perks
    Question for you: are your rewards/perks going to be released in discrete levels or have multiple add-ons along the way?

    Indiegogo and Kickstarter deal with these perks differently.
    For one, Indiegogo refers to them as “perks” while Kickstarter calls them “rewards”.
    On Indiegogo, backers will choose a perk, indicate their country to add the shipping amount and then check out. With Indiegogo backers can choose as many perks as they want and go through the check out multiple times on each campaign.

    4. Promotional channels
    Question for you: what types of promotional channels have you pre-planned for your campaign?

    The difference between the two is the way projects are curated for these promotional channels.

    For Indiegogo, it’s mostly projected that are already doing incredibly well on crowdfunding that will get featured as the top spot in a newsletter. The newsletter for Indiegogo is a very lucrative offer since they can sometimes be the main driver of pre-orders for a campaign.

    On the other hand, Kickstarter maintains a very low-key discussion process between Platform Managers as to which campaigns should be featured and why. This discussion usually disregards the amount the campaign has already raised.


    To read each step in more depth and learn about the most key difference between the two for your project, be sure to check out the blog. ... ckstarter/
    Hi! I run the popular blog Crush Crowdfunding and have helped people successfully raise over $7 million on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Get the proven step-by-step system to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign:

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