Need Feedback: Pro Halo Players start an FPS Hub Campaign
  • nocturnalkernal
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    Need Feedback: Pro Halo Players start an FPS Hub Campaign

    by nocturnalkernal » Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:21 am

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    Short Version:
    Hey Kickstart Gamers we are professional Halo players Brake and NocturnalKernal. We have traveled all across the nation competing at multiple Major League Gaming (MLG) National Tournaments with hundreds of teams. Now we teach Halo through videos and text in an eBook on our website.

    When Halo 4 came out, MLG, the only major league for Halo, dropped the game off the circuit leaving players out of their major income. We have come up with new ideas on how players can make monthly money and we have also created cool things that gamers want to see. We want to start a community based website that can thrive through learning. We have a way to allow pro players and other experts to make money by teaching players who want to learn.

    We want to start an FPS Hub that starts with Halo and progresses to other major First Person Shooters like Call of Duty Ghost, Battlefield 4, and new titles like Destiny to allow the players to make new income just from being good at the game and teaching their knowledge to players that want to advance themselves. With this website we believe we can build a great community that can interact and learn from their favorite Pros or Gamers while also keeping them up to date on Tournaments and Game Updates.

    Some of our ideas for this Website include:

    Video Section – We wanted to create a way for both paying members and free members to be able to enjoy our website. This video section allows all members to be able to post their videos and the community votes up or down on their video similar to how reddit works. The highest voted videos are on top while the lowest voted are on the bottom. This allows people that do not have a following or are not known on places like youtube to be able to get their videos seen to gain that following or to get a high amount of views on their videos. This sections vote system will be updated daily or can be set to any other preferable settings like having the video section update towards categories like Most skilled (Weekly reset), Clip of the Day (reset daily), Most Popular Videos (Weekly reset), Gameplays (Weekly Reset), etc. When uploading videos you can embed your video from youtube or you can upload the video directly to our website. We will have our own comment and rating sections with specific features like “Expert Comments/video responses” that expert players can give reviews or feedback on uploaded videos. The Experts will also be able to upload videos for the Multiplayer Guides, their own Inner Circle, and on the Free Tips section that is for all members.

    Multiplayer Guides – We want to help expand our knowledge from Halo and Tournaments into all other games and eventually make every shooter game become E-Sport worthy. This way players can make a living off the game and won’t have to rely on Tournament Leagues to give them their major income. The guides will be done professionally by us alongside the Pro Players and Experts. We will use our methods and tactics we have gained through our teaching in Halo to help us break down every shooter game in depth and teach specific skills for that game. Our guide uses a simple college format that gives players 101 courses (Basic) all the way up to 103 courses (Advanced) in every Topic the game has such as weapons, maps, skills, team game, individual, ect. The way the Experts and Pro Players would help is by submitting tickets for guide additions, revisions, or adding tips. We already wrote up an entire 100 Page E-Book that will help the new Experts and Pros to know topics to cover for the game they are on. Every guide will be preformatted by us before the game comes out so all experts and pros can see what they can help with from the start. After the launch of the game the guide will be updated continuously. This website will have Guides for Battlefield 4, Call of Duty Ghost, Destiny, Halo, and every other Major FPS Game soon to come!

    Affiliates - To help out all players even more we will make an affiliate section for players to get money for promoting the guide or a players inner circle. Anything a person signs up for through their referral link will make them money. As affiliates, people will get banners and other deals to promote specifically designed to make the customer pay less and the affiliate get more. Everyone participating in our affiliate program will get 10$ per guide sale and a percentage on inner circle sales, both including recurring charges.

    Inner Circle (Pro Players) – The inner circle is a section where the Fans subscribe to the Pro Players that they choose. For 10$ a month the player can be on the pros friends list, play with the pro to get good skilled games played, get direct help through pros going over their gameplays, and get exclusive content from the Pro that shows new tips and tactics on how to play the game. We already personally know all of the Pros who play Halo so it will be easy to get them together on a very well designed website. We also want to create special deals for people that want to upgrade to more player’s inner circles like making it $15 a month for two inner circles. Small things like this we believe will really help unite the community. The inner circle was a product we created that the customer wants and the Pros benefit by doing. This, we believe, creates a type of culture around the player and the pro where they can actually become cool with each other and really thrive through this. This will help fans and competitive players alike to get a better experience out of gaming. (Especially when you fly across the country to Tournaments and you don't really know anybody.)

    Experts (Guide Contributors and Clip Collectors) – Experts are players who registered to our website and submit clips to the guide. These players will have to fill out forms and be picked by us to become experts on our website. We will give the experts flexible options to leave Tips, Guide Revisions, Clips, and even full Videos of their knowledge for which they will receive money for. We want players to help support the growth of the guides through their own special knowledge of the game. The experts section allows all players a chance to make money for submitting their knowledge, videos, and clips.

    Money and Point System – We will give the pro players and experts money and points (for our website) to help us get exclusive content out to the fans. The money will be cashed out whenever the expert decides to take it from the website and the points will be used to track the main contributing experts. This point system will include strategic ways of helping both parties such as: If a player submits a lot of great clips but doesn’t have their own capture card, then after a certain number of points a capture card will be sent to them. This allows us to spend money on worthy investments to allow hard working players the ability to be able to create more content for the Fans and the Website.

    Why Us?

    Growing up we were Fans of the Top Halo Pros and we always wanted to play with them to improve our skill. Now that we are Pro Players ourselves we have been teaching Halo since 2009 to players and have evolved this into an entire Guide dedicated to teaching the game. We also have over 5 Years of National Tournament Experience and know exactly what the competitive gaming scene is slacking on. If you know about shooters then you know Halo was the Golden Eye 007 of its time. It takes a lot more skill to be good at, and requires great teamwork to be dominant. We will use our same teaching methods from our Guide and apply them to any new skills that the new shooters bring. This includes Individual Skill, Teamwork, Tournaments, and even improving your Mental Game. We believe our vision will help revolutionize and create the new way the gaming world will work in the future. By the Players for the Players!

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    Re: Need Feedback: Pro Halo Players start an FPS Hub Campaig

    by sbriggman » Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:08 pm

    Why did you decide to cancel fundraising?
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.

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