Need an advice of launching my first campaign in Kickstarter
  • SmartNight
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    Need an advice of launching my first campaign in Kickstarter

    by SmartNight » Wed Dec 28, 2016 11:14 am

    I'm planning to launch my first campaign in kickstarter this coming January 2 2017, I have a project called the SMART NIGHT LIGHTER, an adapter charger that especially made for iphone mobile with lighting features on it.

    I'm a little worried of seeing some interesting project in kickstarter that failed on their campaign, lots of question in my mind on how and why they failed on their campaign even they have interesting project.

    1, How can I find backers for my campaign?
    2, What is the strategy for making my campaign successful?
    3, How to contact influence rs?

    Thank you team KS forum I appreciate any positive response ;) ;) ;) ;)


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    Re: Need an advice of launching my first campaign in Kicksta

    by hyperstarter » Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:25 pm

    I think you've covered all the questions campaign owners think about!

    Let me help break it down:
    1) Backers would be people interested in what you're doing. Whether it's targetting your competitors backers, posting on sites and forums to get your idea across, capturing emails along the way, keeping in touch with writers in your niche field..
    2) I guess it's building up momentum and getting people excited as you are as to what you're doing. If other people can find a need and use in what you're doing, then you're on your way - so having a Kickstarter campaign confirms your business plan and gets word out to a bigger audience.
    3) It's all about having the right pitch and who you know.

    My advice would be, if you haven't done any of the above - don't launch.

    It's better to be overprepared than underprepared. The worse thing you could do is think influencers will pick up on your campaign just because you've launched on KS and then they would feel obligated to write about you and help generate funds for your campaign...they won't :(

    SmartNight wrote:I'm planning to launch my first campaign in kickstarter this coming January 2 2017, I have a project called the SMART NIGHT LIGHTER, an adapter charger that especially made for iphone mobile with lighting features on it.

    I'm a little worried of seeing some interesting project in kickstarter that failed on their campaign, lots of question in my mind on how and why they failed on their campaign even they have interesting project.

    1, How can I find backers for my campaign?
    2, What is the strategy for making my campaign successful?
    3, How to contact influence rs?

    Thank you team KS forum I appreciate any positive response ;) ;) ;) ;)

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    Re: Need an advice of launching my first campaign in Kicksta

    by Vanessa » Wed Dec 28, 2016 9:10 pm

    Hey SmartNight,
    Make sure you have covered every single thing from this checklist and you'll have greater chances for a successful campaign ... klist.html
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    Re: Need an advice of launching my first campaign in Kicksta

    by hyperstarter » Thu Dec 29, 2016 7:32 am

    If we're able to just post links, as a followup to what I wrote - this list should be useful for you. If need further help, feel free to get in touch:
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  • Mike_Letsky
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    Re: Need an advice of launching my first campaign in Kicksta

    by Mike_Letsky » Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:12 pm

    Hey SmartNight,

    It's best to view Kickstarter as a platform for pre-sales of your product ready for manufacturing. Most of your backers will be from people who want to purchase your product. Kickstarter doesn't exactly bring the people. ... i.e. if you post it, they won't come (on their own).

    Once you have developed the pre-production prototype and know the manufacturing costs for your product, the best way to have kickstarter success is to Build and Audience and Sell to It.

    Building the audience is = Marketing Campaign. It'll take about 3 months of marketing (depending on the product) to build enough of an audience (i.e. followers) who are 1) interested in your product and 2) want to be the first one to buy it.

    To summarize: Build an Audience, Fully Develop Product for Manufacturing, Sell to the Audience.

    Hope this helps,

    Mike Letsky
    Learn How to Save over $10,000 on developing your product. Free Step-by-Step Report
  • LatitudeWW
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    Re: Need an advice of launching my first campaign in Kicksta

    by LatitudeWW » Wed Feb 22, 2017 5:19 pm

    Getting a big list of lead emails and have a big day 1 and 2 are key these days for a Kickstarter campaign to reach more than just your immediate network.
  • Thelonesilver
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    Re: Need an advice of launching my first campaign in Kicksta

    by Thelonesilver » Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:52 pm

    hyperstarter wrote:I think you've covered all the questions campaign owners think about!

    Let me help break it down:
    1) Backers would be people interested in what you're doing. Whether it's targetting your competitors backers, posting on sites and forums to get your idea across, capturing emails along the way, keeping in touch with writers in your niche field..
    2) I guess it's building up momentum and getting people excited as you are as to what you're doing. If other people can find a need and use in what you're doing, then you're on your way - so having a Kickstarter campaign confirms your business plan and gets word out to a bigger audience.
    3) It's all about having the right pitch and who you know.

    My advice would be, if you haven't done any of the above - don't launch.

    It's better to be overprepared than underprepared. The worse thing you could do is think influencers will pick up on your campaign just because you've launched on KS and then they would feel obligated to write about you and help generate funds for your campaign...they won't :(

    SmartNight wrote:I'm planning to launch my first campaign in kickstarter this coming January 2 2017, I have a project called the SMART NIGHT LIGHTER, an adapter charger that especially made for iphone mobile with lighting features on it.

    I'm a little worried of seeing some interesting project in kickstarter that failed on their campaign, lots of question in my mind on how and why they failed on their campaign even they have interesting project.

    1, How can I find backers for my campaign?
    2, What is the strategy for making my campaign successful?
    3, How to contact influence rs?

    Thank you team KS forum I appreciate any positive response ;) ;) ;) ;)


    Hi Hyperstarter,

    You made an interesting point about targeting your competitors backers. Could you elaborate on how you do that? Could you illustrate an example to us? That would be greatly appreciated and valuable to learn from.

    Thank you.
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    Re: Need an advice of launching my first campaign in Kicksta

    by hyperstarter » Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:44 am

    No problem. It's part of the work we do (see for details or just to get in touch)

    But it relates to either indepth analysis of seeing a backer's name (from community) and researching them or say looking at your competitors timeline and connecting with backer's that way.

    I saw your post on buying backers lists. I wouldn't do that. They're going to be the same old list everyone has and if everyone is using it, surely the same backers are going to get spammed over and over.

    If you are able to do targeted research in your niche, finding out about backers and casually asking their thoughts on what you're doing without the hard-sell - it's more benefitial.

    I personally wouldn't spend so much time, looking at your competitors backers. Instead focusing on who they connected with and who wrote about you need help with your campaign?
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  • AJAeroasis
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    Re: Need an advice of launching my first campaign in Kicksta

    by AJAeroasis » Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:30 pm

    Thanks a lot for all the good info, everyone! The links posted have been incredibly helpful to us, The filter on made it very easy to filter through various news sources based off our niche - such a huge help!
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    Re: Need an advice of launching my first campaign in Kicksta

    by eMinnow » Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:43 am

    Yes we are launching our Kickstarter campaign soon and I agree - don't rent 'backer' lists!
    I worked for a data company for some years before moving on and I can tell you that any list worth it's salt does not come onto the open market for renting or buying! A good list is just way too valuable for the owners of the list to think about selling it off to others to spam.
    David Tye
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