In regards to ghost most vs pre marketing, we struggled with this a lot. On the one hand we found it very difficult to market a hypothetical app, and get people interested (we still have this problem). Additionally, we were kind of caught in this, 'we have no call to action for people to get behind' situation while we were premarketing.
What we kind of settled on was to try to build a base of people who would be our niche market for Kickstarter. For us, that was golfers active on their social networks and hopefully trying to improve. We created and shared content about professional golf, about improving your game with similar concepts to the ones our app looks to capitalize on (better scores through better course management).
With family and friends we talked about it a little, but minimally to avoid their confusion. Just enough for them to have an awareness of the existence of our idea and an acknowledgement that we were working hard on something we were passionate about. We got the question 'so where can I download you app' a lot.
It's still a challenge and the next step for us is to really mobilize some of these people to pledge and help us reach our goal.
Check out our Kickstarter project here: ... obile-golf