Kickstarter Marketing Agency Reviews
  • eloisecrowdfunds
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    Kickstarter Marketing Agency Reviews

    by eloisecrowdfunds » Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:32 am

    Is there like a source for tons of reviews on kickstarter marketing agencies? I see from time to time there is a good amount of posts in the forum here, but it would be nice if there was a single centralized location for reviews of them (not of all companies, just crowdfunding ones).

    Would anyone be interested in a website like this? Im doing an interest check to see if it's worth building.

  • JohnyQuest
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    Re: Kickstarter Marketing Agency Reviews

    by JohnyQuest » Tue Mar 19, 2019 11:53 am

    I would find it very useful. A site of all of them, and one where users could add their own real world experiences.

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