Kickstarter Comments - any use?
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    Kickstarter Comments - any use?

    by ConnectionDeck » Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:35 am

    Hi Folks,

    I'm wondering from those who are mid-way or finished their campaigns whether you've noticed the "Comments" function on Kickstarter having any effect? Does having more comments get you any traction? Have any of you focused any time on getting comments? My friend Norah is mid-way through her campaign for an amazing new album ( ... solo/posts), and had asked me - I didn't have a clue and told her I'd check here.

    My hunch had been that they don't really have an impact, but why have an uninformed hunch when you can have the experience of those who have gone before right?

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    Re: Kickstarter Comments - any use?

    by sbriggman » Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:05 pm

    I think the comments section is kind of undervalued and that it has a lot more value that most people think. I wrote a long article on this a little ways back called "5 Reasons Why Comments on Your Kickstarter or Indiegogo Campaign Matter"

    My main points were that comment matter because they:
    1. Comments = Community
    2. Building a relationship with your fanbase
    3. Engagement Factors Into Ranking Algorithms (particularly indiegogo).
    4. Comment section is the hub of customer service.
    5. You can use comments in the future that are generated for testimonials.

    I think the comments section is a good way to develop a relationship with your backers, which makes them more likely to help you out in spreading the word about your project.
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    Re: Kickstarter Comments - any use?

    by ConnectionDeck » Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:14 pm

    @sbriggman thanks for the article link! A lot of good advice that we'll be looking at (and working to match).

    Just got our approval from Kickstarter along with a bit of advice, and our artist has made some amazing paintings for use on the sample cards. Ready set.....
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    Re: Kickstarter Comments - any use?

    by ConnectionDeck » Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:16 pm

    @sbriggman, I'd be curious to know what other blind spots you think Kickstarters tend to have - what other areas should we be paying attention to that don't get the level of attention they deserve? It's easy to get so focused on a few elements that we lose sight of the whole picture to the detriment of our projects.
    Our Kickstarter Campaign:
    Connection Deck - A unique resource for children and the parents, educators, and caregivers who love them.

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