Is review legit?
  • wgbriefcase
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    Is review legit?

    by wgbriefcase » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:24 am

    Does anyone have info on this marketing agency here:

    I came across them when I was searching for information about Crowd PR. I can’t tell if they are run by the same person. Based on their websites, it looks like they offer different services (but both for crowdfunding campaigns). The team is different too and the web presence is different. But I just can’t get over the similar name. Is there more to this or am I being paranoid?

    Thanks for the help! review homepage.png review homepage.png (194.25 KiB) Viewed 1312 times

  • chet.matrine
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    Re: Is review legit?

    by chet.matrine » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:26 am

    It is a popular naming scheme. Most services I encounter use some sort of variation of kickstarter, indiegogo, or crowdfunding in their name. I don’t know why these people do this, it makes it hard to tell them apart. A good startup name should be unique, one you remember for years to come. A forgettable name is just that, forgettable. I’d steer clear of this one if I were you.
  • alexissmith
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    Re: Is review legit?

    by alexissmith » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:27 am

    Beware to the community. These companies are all the same and they target against us. They all claim to be in business for years and it is all lies!
  • galeunderwood
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    Re: Is review legit?

    by galeunderwood » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:29 am

    Looks like they are hiring. ... .11,26.htm

    Perhaps we should apply and see if we can get the inside track on their operation. That way if they are not legit someone can post an information dump here -- and you can be sure that will be the end of them. It would also show their true identities which is key if they are part of that big scam ring we know is going around lately.
    here's my campaign link:
  • danishlatif853
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    Re: Is review legit?

    by danishlatif853 » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:30 am

    Just checked, it says there were founded last year

    I have a bad feeling though. Can’t argue with that and I will be sure to never use them for any service of any kind.
    We are preparing for our first launch, coming up in 1 months time!!!
  • sajidsaab54321
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    Re: Is review legit?

    by sajidsaab54321 » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:31 am

    Have you seen the posts about them on fiverr though? You can’t trust a company who deals with Fiverr - it is a dead give away that they are not a first world service and you will likely get flagged as spam as a result of their outreach. I had that happen once with a company that appeared (at first) to be a United States based agency, come to find out that they are based in India and spamming my link everywhere. I actually had to change domain names because my email reputation never recovered.
  • Maestro
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    Re: Is review legit?

    by Maestro » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:33 am

    On page 6 of my google search I found an employee review profile for them

    Hope this intel helps, and be sure to report them here if you end up using them. They approached you via cold email?
    The Maestro
  • wgbriefcase
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    Re: Is review legit?

    by wgbriefcase » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:35 am

    Maestro wrote:They approached you via cold email?

    No, I have never spoken to them. I found their crunchbase profile when researching a different agency (please read my original post better next time).
  • CharlesDarwinsCreek
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    Re: Is review legit?

    by CharlesDarwinsCreek » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:38 am

    We found some social media accounts they own

    These are certainly dark times we are living in. There are new marketing services sprouting up every day. It’s like as soon as we get one of them shut down, five more take their place. I’ll do my best to fight them as usual, but I can’t make any promises - I have grown weary after all these years. What I usually do is write a bunch of reports against a company as soon as I hear word of them being a scam. It tens to work quite well, as our community here is well read. I think we need more information about this service before we jump the gun and begin fighting them. If anyone has more intel they can provide, now is the time to speak up.
  • tp33noscope
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    Re: Is review legit?

    by tp33noscope » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:40 am

    I think they are obviously two separate agencies. Did you read their post about crowdfunding?

    Although we don’t like the lack of quality products on kickstarter, we have come to realize it is now a necessity — and have officially opened up our platform to the kickstarter market. Please note though, we require a large budget if you are going to work with us.

    blog post

    Look over at Crowd PR and you can tell they have a take anyone approach to their “service”. Still hoping they get deleted at some point, I am sure it will happen soon.
    xxnoscope360xx progamer 4 life. Now funding on

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