How do I offer color choices?
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    How do I offer color choices?

    by tdkehoe » Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:30 pm

    My project is in the fashion category. Specifically, boot cuffs and an accessory that enables women to wear three pairs of boot cuffs, called Bootchkas.

    We want to offer fifty choices of colors and patterns of boot cuffs. The boot cuffs will be $15/pair (including shipping) and the goal for each color will be $1000, enough for a factory production run of 200 pairs.

    What makes sense is to run 51 simultaneous campaigns. One campaign for the Bootchkas and fifty campaigns for the various colors of boot cuffs. Backers can pledge for whatever they want, without confusion. The colors that don't reach the goal I don't make.

    Separate URLs for each color makes publicity easier. I can publicize to NFL fan pages, e.g., Green Bay Packers fans, that they can order dark green and golden yellow boot cuffs at and The NFL has about twenty-five colors. With thirty to forty colors I can publicize to thousands of pro, college, and high school teams.

    But Kickstarter doesn't allow one team to run more than one campaign at a time (multiple campaigns). What alternatives do I have?

    The rewards have shipping options but there's no color options, size options, etc. If backers could pledge $15 for one pair of boot cuffs and then select a color option, this would be simple. Or a backer pledges $30 for two pairs of boot cuffs and selects two color options, etc.

    I could make 50 rewards for fifty colors. Can backers pledge twice, to get two rewards? If not I'll have to offer 2500 rewards for backers who want two pairs of boot cuffs. For three pairs, 125,000 rewards. For six pairs, 15,625,000,000 rewards. And for nine pairs, 1,953,125,000,000,000 rewards.

    I could make a poll where you vote for your favorite colors. Can I insert a poll into a campaign? Or would the poll have to be a link to Survey Monkey? I don't want to make people leave the Kickstarter website to order their colors.

    I could wait until the campaign is over and then tell backers to choose their colors. If ten Seattle Seahawks fans order Irish Green boot cuffs can I cancel their orders and return their pledges? That'll make me popular! :-(

    Any other ideas?

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