Help to choose a marketing services
  • TimelessGames
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    Help to choose a marketing services

    by TimelessGames » Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:48 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I literally have no idea of marketing and I can see that my campaign need it very badly, so I want to hire some services from a marketing company.

    I have been looking tons of sites and reading forums (mostly, this one) and I discarded most companies as fraud or a waste of time and money, except for two:


    But still, is a lot of money to invest when you have no income like myself, so I would like to know if anybody has used them. I'm willing to get a loan, and risk it but only if it's legit and give me a good chance to improve my odds.

    I found this video that made me even more suspicious.

    It seems like they are acting!!, it makes it more fishy!!

    Isn't there any marketing company you can trust??? gosh!

    Thanks for your time, guys!

    My project: ... n=b85158e6

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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by hyperstarter » Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:19 am

    Hi, I personally wouldn't spend so much money on PR / Marketing services when I think the main issue is to fix your page.

    If you run your page (remove the draft token btw), you get 40/100 - the major issues are your images and social media not linking up.

    My quick advice is that you're marketing a video game, but where's all the screen shots? Where's the hours of beta testing etc.,?

    $20 for a game is pretty expensive and I'm wondering who your target audience is: gamers, kids and people who are studying to be lawyers? That's quite a specific niche that's you're focusing on :)

    Best of luck.
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by TimelessGames » Mon Oct 24, 2016 8:31 am

    Hi Hyperstarter, thanks for your reply.

    Maybe you are right, we also don't have a clue about web design, maybe we should focus on that.

    There are a few screenshots, but not many, and also a 30+ minutes demo to try on. The price tag is average for an indie game, less that those games really cost in the market if they are develop by big companies. Maybe we failed to mention the hours of gameplay the game will last. The game is really cheap for the 25+ hours of gameplay it offers.

    And the target, you right, it's niche. a few Gamers, Ace Attorney fans (we know there are millions out there, but we failed to reach them, only a few) and ppl that like court room drama (tv shows like Suits).

    As I said before, we are willing to spend some money to raise awareness, but we don't know where / with whom :S
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by hyperstarter » Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:38 pm

    You can spend money with us if you want:: - which shows a breakdown of what you're getting.
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by TimelessGames » Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:53 pm

    Well thanks for the link, as I said I'm not looking to spend money for a miracle or thinking that will get my project to be funded, what I really want is to reach of our target audience, because as I said, we know nothing about marketing and social promotion.

    But for what I can see in hyperstarter, it's seems like good prices but custom packages services, and what we want is a company that focuses in finding our personal target.

    Anyone can share their experiences with hyperstarter or any of the webs I linked?

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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by hyperstarter » Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:40 am

    Actually there's been some reviews of Hyperstarter right here on this forum:

    I'll be honest with you, as much as I'd like to take your money - I don't think it's realistic you'll make $17.5k in two weeks from the way you've set your campaign.

    The concept is there, the imagery looks better in the video than on the page but you're focusing on a specific niche.

    I'd suggest possibly cancelling, doing the research, looking at your competitors to see how they designed their campaign pages (+ who they connected with), collecting emails, going on video games forums (this is huge in terms of your niche!) and only then when you've got the right number of supporters - then relaunch.
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by TimelessGames » Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:25 pm

    Yes, is what we thought exactly. We are going to cancel and start it over.

    We were very naive. The game was picked up for several awards in Spain and even in France, so we thought the game will reach the goal.
    We were so wrong, no marketing, and you are nothing. To explain how naive we were, I can tell you that we didn't know what PR stand for before creating the KS.

    Right now we contacted a few companies that does indie game marketing for a share revenue.
    For any other indie game developers, check:

    - black shell media
    - Indie wolverine
    - indie game fund

    We are going to relaunch with the first one.
    And probably, we will get some of the hyperstarter packages, to get a little boost, as they seem affordable.

    By the way, the original two sites I was asking in the post, first wave and crowfunding social, they are even more fishy to me right now, since I got an email from "indiegogo" (I don't have a account with them) promoting their servicies. IndieGoGo itself confirmed that was a scam email.

    So... I wouldn't recommended them.

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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by Cristina » Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:51 am

    This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by Meinkapselhalter » Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:33 pm

    i have the same problem like TimelessGames.

    I am not sure what service to take and if a service can help me to make my small project a sucsexx, what is our opinion ?

    for your help and good luck to all
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by hyperstarter » Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:31 am

    I think for you and TimelessGames, you really need to fix your campaign pages first before investing money in services.

    The campaign page is the most important, if people like what they see and trust you - then there's a chance they'll be potential backers.

    If you can get traffic to the page (from paid services) it won't matter as they'll still be put off by the page.

    I'd suggest looking at your closest competitors, taking better photos and investing time in the campaign page...this would be much better spent with your time and money.
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