Help to choose a marketing services
  • Meinkapselhalter
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by Meinkapselhalter » Sat Nov 05, 2016 8:18 am


    Thx for your honest answer.

    I orderd Pictures from a pro, what would be the next nib Point to Change in your opinion ?


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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by hyperstarter » Sat Nov 05, 2016 4:04 pm

    If you'd like further help, feel free to contact us :)

    Meinkapselhalter wrote:Hi,

    Thx for your honest answer.

    I orderd Pictures from a pro, what would be the next nib Point to Change in your opinion ?

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  • ktummonds
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by ktummonds » Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:36 pm

    I believe there are many marketing services, paid and unpaid, which you can benefit from. Here is a link to a list of a whole bunch of crowdfunding sites, from marketing websites, to crowdfunding platform websites: ... =platforms

    Also, you are probably using kickstarter if you are on this forum, but you can always create another campaign on different platforms, like Thrinacia Atlas. With Thrinacia Atlas, you have the option of creating a campaign on an existing web portal for free, or create your own web site. The options are limitless, here is a link to the Thrinacia Atlas website:

    Best of luck with your crowdfunding campaign!!!
    Kyle Tummonds - Customer Advocate
    Thrinacia Inc.

    The CrowdFunding Infrastructure. Build, customize and operate CrowdFunding Websites, Widgets and Applications. Integrate with advanced CrowdFunding REST API's.
  • orfeo
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by orfeo » Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:48 am

    it is always problematic how we promote our creative item to backers.
    I once tried a campaign without using a marketing service and it didn't end up well(although it wasn't soley marketing problem). Therefore, I have been looking for a marketing services.
    I have found some boosters like KickstarterPR, KickstarterCrux, etc. But I found that facebook is the most cost efficient one. You need to set the narrow target to focus on one group.
  • Maestro
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by Maestro » Sat Nov 11, 2017 12:36 am

    hyperstarter wrote:Hi, I personally wouldn't spend so much money on PR / Marketing services when I think the main issue is to fix your page.

    If you run your page (remove the draft token btw), you get 40/100 - the major issues are your images and social media not linking up.

    My quick advice is that you're marketing a video game, but where's all the screen shots? Where's the hours of beta testing etc.,?

    $20 for a game is pretty expensive and I'm wondering who your target audience is: gamers, kids and people who are studying to be lawyers? That's quite a specific niche that's you're focusing on :)

    Best of luck.

    $20 for a game is not expensive. At least not in a 1st or 2nd world country...
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by NONICH » Mon Dec 11, 2017 4:51 pm

    Working with marketing services is a chance thing it could work or not but you are spending money that could get wasted. Is it worth risking it or is it best to research and figure out the best ways to promote your kickstarter project by yourself?
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by hyperstarter » Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:12 pm

    Ideally you'd want to do all the research yourself, but it's time vs money.

    I saw your campaign, with only $335 raised from 3 backers it's going to be hard to reach your goal :(
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by DaveGarber1975 » Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:02 pm

    It looks like I got involved in this discussion a bit late.

    My condolences on your campaign.

    But it looks like Hyperstarter has already given you some sound advice.

    The most important factor in any crowdfunding campaign's success or failure, I've come to believe, is its product/service itself, and this factor is closely tied to its price. The second-most important factor is how effectively that product/service is presented through its campaign page, which is affected somewhat by its platform. And the third-most important factor is how effectively that campaign page is marketed beyond itself to the masses. Good marketing is wonderfully helpful for well-presented highly-appealing products/services but, unless both of those other factors are good enough, then even the best marketing on Earth can't necessarily help much.

    So, yes, I think that your campaign media (especially your page) could definitely use some work.

    As for those marketing agencies, I'd never heard of them before, but there are zillions out there, so that's not unusual. You're welcome to consider my employer Funded Today, as well. We've been around for about 2.5 years now, worked with nearly 2,000 clients, and helped raise over $175,000,000 altogether. Just an option. You're also welcome to check out this blog and/or these public presentations for some additional tips about successful crowdfunding... ... BWDv8zeoyC

    I hope that this information helps you some. Or others who may be reading this thread. Thanks.
    I work for Funded Today, which has helped hundreds of crowdfunding projects on Kickstarter and/or Indiegogo to raise over $175,000,000 altogether. How may we help you? Please learn more at and/or
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by drudge » Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:03 pm

    TimelessGames wrote:Hi everyone,

    I literally have no idea of marketing and I can see that my campaign need it very badly, so I want to hire some services from a marketing company.

    I have been looking tons of sites and reading forums (mostly, this one) and I discarded most companies as fraud or a waste of time and money, except for two:


    But still, is a lot of money to invest when you have no income like myself, so I would like to know if anybody has used them. I'm willing to get a loan, and risk it but only if it's legit and give me a good chance to improve my odds.

    I found this video that made me even more suspicious.

    It seems like they are acting!!, it makes it more fishy!!

    Isn't there any marketing company you can trust??? gosh!

    Thanks for your time, guys!

    My project: ... n=b85158e6

    I read another thread on here saying that they are all scams. tisk tisk tisk
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  • New Wave Pipes
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    Re: Help to choose a marketing services

    by New Wave Pipes » Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:07 pm

    I don't know if they are all scams, but they all are not very good.
    Can you feel it yet?

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