Give feedback on 'god grant me' Kickstarter Campaign
  • godgrantme
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    Give feedback on 'god grant me' Kickstarter Campaign

    by godgrantme » Sat Jul 06, 2013 3:54 am

    Hello everyone! It's great to see such an awesome community here of crowdsourcing fanatics. I am here, (obviously) to ask everyone's opinion on the Campaign for my first feature length film: 'god, grant me'.

    The film's story focuses on Lea and Silus, two 20-somethings going through very different yet paralleled challenging times. Lea is a pill addict who was recently broken up with due to the addiction while Silus is recently in remission from colon cancer and struggles to recover from his apathetic mindset. They meet at a cancer support group, where Lea accidentally walked into while attempting to go to her first Narcotics Anonymous meeting. The message of the film deals closely with 1) how our often cinematic-expectations result in awkward realities and 2) that we, as people, cannot grow personally without human connection.

    We tried to run a Kickstarter based on the sense of community, not just funding. Our film's theme is actually mirrored in this sense of film finance. So, go check it out at ... ndent-film and tell me what you think!

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    Re: Give feedback on 'god grant me' Kickstarter Campaign

    by sbriggman » Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:33 pm

    I think there is a lot of good information and photographs. Love the music in the video! What's your video completion rate look like (percentage)? I usually find 2-3 minute, max 5 minute videos do best.

    I'm not sure if you're looking to connect with your already established audience for this film, or to discover a new audience on Kickstarter, but just some of my general thoughts from an outsider: $30 seems like a lot just to see the film when movie tickets are $12-15 (unless I had a personal connection with the campaign like my friend was acting in it). True, there is the Q&A, but just my initial reaction. Is there any way you can do a digital download for one of the tiers? I don't buy DVDs any more. Usually pay for movies from iTunes. Would also cut down on cost of shipping/obtaining/burning DVDs.

    Take the thoughts/feedback with a grain of salt!

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    Re: Give feedback on 'god grant me' Kickstarter Campaign

    by godgrantme » Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:29 am

    Hello again Sal!

    We have had a little over half of the people complete the video. Which isn't very good. At this point, we are going to edit the video down a bit (partly because we just had an amazing editor sign on to the project!)

    The digital download is also linked in with the DVD---it's at the bottom part of that reward's description.

    We tried to make our rewards about interaction as opposed to merchandise. We felt that if we gave our backers just merchandise they would become nothing more than a billboard to us. We tried to make our backers feel a part of this film.


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    Re: Give feedback on 'god grant me' Kickstarter Campaign

    by sbriggman » Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:32 pm


    50% actually isn't that bad at all. Some campaigns have 7% completion. The more campaigns I see, the more and more I think it's about working hard to drive relevant traffic and building a community with the backers you have. Do you have any stats on the percentage of people who watch your video that pledge (or percentage of people that come to your campaign that pledge)?

    Sorry for the mistake regarding the digital download.

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    Re: Give feedback on 'god grant me' Kickstarter Campaign

    by godgrantme » Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:19 pm


    Thanks! I thought half was ok, but I know we can do better. I am trying all I can to drive traffic to the page through instagram likes, twitter favorites and handing out flyers. We have also submitted to over 6 POTD's through different blogs.

    We have 118 views with 18 backers so about a 15 percent donation rate. I have no idea how many times the page has been viewed. Which is something I've been trying to find out!

    Thanks again for the feedback. It's really helping!

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    Re: Give feedback on 'god grant me' Kickstarter Campaign

    by sbriggman » Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:40 am


    That's a great donation rate percentage. Would recommend using bitly or owly to track your link clicks to get an idea of how many times the page has been viewed.

    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
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