by RFIDsecur » Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:22 pm
It really depends on your friends and family. So if you have a close supportive network then it is likely they naturally will wan to support you.
If you have a less close relationship or no family at all, if your friends support you but can't afford to financially then it is perfectly reasonable not to expect them to.
In which case if they can, perhaps ask them for help and support in other ways, such as contacts to influencers or connexions to a journalist for example, or someone who can help out with the yourAdvertising. There are lots of ways for them to engage and support you.
If you have no on to call upon then you need to focus on engaging online with forums and link building like building and engaging that way to get the support you will need financially on launch day.
The algorithm is looking at who supports you early days, what SM buzz there is about your campaign what interest there is from KS itself from the new campaigns page on the site, etc.. lots of ingredients make the pie that gets your early success not just one element, if you are short on an ingredient work harder on the others.