Hello everyone my company is called Joy Ornaments.
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1957620134/joy-ornaments-bringing-joy-to-everyoneIt is a brand new company with some beautiful Ornament designs. My campaign is 27 days long and it has 11 days to go. We have a goal of $10,000 and currently only have $200 and 2 backers.
I have been working very hard to build a facebook following and have been very successful. In 1 month I have gained 391 page likes and have a post reach of 5,000 people. My issue is I can't get these numbers to translate to my kickstarter project. I have direct messaged people, paid to boost posts of the link, and created an album with my products.
My problem is I can not get my facebook success to translate to my kickstarter project. Why is this? I realize my products are a niche market product for Christmas. Is it too early for me to have ran the project? Would I be more successful running it in November? Are my Ornaments too expensive? These are my current questions, but any advice helps. I thank you all for taking the time.
Joy Ornaments