Do Kickstarter projects turn into businesses after funding?
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    Do Kickstarter projects turn into businesses after funding?

    by sbriggman » Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:31 pm

    I've been thinking about this more and more after doing an article series for Fulfillrite. Basically, I interviewed their customers who had been successful on Kickstarter and took a peek into their current operations. Some of the businesses are very successful!

    At the same time, there are many Kickstarter projects that are successful and then don't turn into businesses afterwards. Is that a bad thing? I don't necessarily think so. It's true that Kickstarter is meant to help finance new creations, but not all creations or inventions lead to new businesses. Some are good standalone products that don't have to be something bigger.

    This is probably more true of creative projects (artwork, publishing, games) than design products. Do you intend to turn your project into a business after Kickstarter? Is it a hobby or are you doing it for fun?

    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
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    Re: Do Kickstarter projects turn into businesses after fundi

    by Inventalator » Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:42 pm

    I've thought the same thing many times. I would think that addictive feeling of successful sales would make them want to continue as a business but maybe not! - Crowd Intelligence Platform for Product Development

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