by T.O. Athlete » Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:02 pm
Actually, after having messages a number of people on Kickstarter who used them, and the people who supposedly gave testimonials on their site never did...they pulled the quotes out of thin air. Most people I spoke to said it didn't really give their campaign much of a boost. Perhaps they aren't frauds, but I asked it like that for one reason:
When I asked the person from that site who was emailing me what their name was, they wouldn't even give me a name, and when a service won't even tell you who they are, I think it's more than OK to ask if they are frauds. Every other Kickstarter type promotional company at least who tell me their names, where their offices were etc...
It's their own fault if someone thinks they are a fraud...their online reputation is their own fault, not mine. You ask for money in exchange for services and you won't even tell your client who you are, that's a good reason to be suspicious.