Rather, this is a review of several crowdfunding agencies at once. Crowd PR is an agency that does PR for crowdfunding campaigns. I am here to tell everyone that PR is not possible for a Kickstarter project. There is no blog, media outlet, or journalist who will write about a crowdfunding campaign. We are just too small and that is the way it is about them, according to this thread:
has-anyone-hired-crowd-pr-t11437.htmlMany of these firms charge more than what we as a community are looking to raise. For example, Crowd PR charges upwards of $3,000. Anyone here looking to raise more than that? Yeah, I didn't think so. Funded Today performs Facebook Advertisement, which is not right for a crowdfunding campaign. We are not Fortune 500 companies, we are small mom and pop shops just looking to get by, nothing more.
Forbes even posted an article that describes how to "get press" for your crowdfunding campaign. Do not buy into the hype people, we are not good enough and what we need to do is keep relying on the community for wisdom and strength.
http://www.forbes.com/sites/amadoudiall ... r-success/Word of mouth is the most effective form of marketing for your project. It has a 100% success rate, and it comes with a guarantee. Not just any normal guarantee, but a signed written assurance from a bank - certifying that you are certain to succeed. That is all we need as a community to be uplifted. I have written an angry rant on their facebook page, and I will update everyone here once I make them angry and get them to respond:
https://www.facebook.com/crowdpragencyLet us stand up into the light, united one community with one mind in our endeavor to raise massive rounds of funding.
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