Today on my facebook timeline, I saw a cereal cafe which is soon to be opening in London,shoreditch. For those who are not from the UK, Shoreditch is the hub of startups and all creative things!
These two guys were sadly not successful on their crowdfunding campaign but have managed to get realised by reputable newpapers and blogs!
They express that even though they didnt reach their target their exposure from it was most beneficial.
It looks like it will be a great tourist attraction.
There could have been many factors as to why they didnt reach their goal and perhaps with their new exposure they should give crowdfunding another go.
They probably got a startup loan which is a good sign as someone thinks it will be profitable.
I just wanted to share this with you all. I think if there is a genuine market and you have done your research that should be a good start.
Check it out ... horeditch/