Campaign buzz kill.
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    Re: Campaign buzz kill.

    by giftsandcoupons » Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:33 am

    Perhaps it's lack of safety tests or even manufacturing in low paying countries like the Phillipines or others.

    I wouldn't pay $200+ to back a campaign sorry, it's too much. $99 makes sense to me, plus say $20 off for Early Birds.

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    Re: Campaign buzz kill.

    by Jonathan08 » Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:46 am

    safety tests?

    No, that's just it, I'm thinking the same way, 99$ was my maximum, but I overshot that by a mile. Like I said, the part I'm making is all metal design, 3 seperate parts, two parts are about the same so it makes die casting a little cheaper. I can make the part using die casting but I have to lump in the tooling costs and that brings it back up. Die casted per unit cost is much much cheaper though.

    But even at that, I find all the extra fee's in kickstarter the real problem, if it costs me 25$ to make something, I will easily need to sell it for 150$-200$, after factoring in the costs. It's just really discouraging. I have some great idea's but every time I go to cost them out, they're always too expensive, but obviously companies make extremely complex things and are able to offer them for a descent price, I don't know what I'm missing here. Probably factory connections, more initial capital to burn.

    Think I'm about to give up on this industry.
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    Re: Campaign buzz kill.

    by giftsandcoupons » Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:09 am

    Yep you're probably right, it's the connections. This sounds like something "Supply Chain Management" skills to be honest, getting the right product at the right price...which usually ends with buying it in bulk.

    Could you share with me your idea? Perhaps on PM, I re-read it and sounds similar to my idea... - Get more exposure of your Kickstarter / Indiegogo Project - We Showcase the Ultimate Gifts
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    Re: Campaign buzz kill.

    by Jonathan08 » Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:23 am

    Well ofcourse bulk is key, it's the difference between something costing 60$/unit vs. 5$/unit. but that doesn't really work with KS, I think the most backers I've ever seen was 16,000 odd backers and the part was literally a one mold thing that was selling for 10$ a pop. Pretty sure the average backers per campaign is somewhere in the 50-200 range, that's not really worth the investment in a die cast mold.

    I guess that's why many people sell super tiny CNC machined stuff, it's light weight, cheap to ship, doesn't take up space, and even then, sometimes they're charging like upwards of 50-100$. I don't want to be limited in designing small useless multitools though. I'm not even sure if kickstarter is where I should be, I find the whole crowdfunding space super saturated with pointless stuff. I think I'll just use all the marketing experience from these sites and go the traditional route of finding investment, sharing equity etc. KS is becoming crowded and gimmicky. Well, it sort of always has been right :)

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